A warm and friendly welcome to our worldwide readers

A warm and friendly welcome to our visitors from all over the world:
  • Chile;
  • China
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Italy;
  • Netherlands;
  • Poland;
  • Ruanda;
  • Switzerland;
  • United States.

In the above pictures: the traditional "Infiorata" (flower decorations along the town streets) for the feast of "Corpus Domini"on the 10th of June.

1st of May Feast of the "Madonna del Campo"

On May 1, 2013 Vico nel Lazio held the traditional Feast of the Madonna del Campo, with the Festival of the potato dumplings ("gnocchi") with sheep sauce, beans ("fave") & cheese and music, in the breathtaking scenery at the foot of Mount Mona.

Meet the deadly velociraptor at Vico nel Lazio

Do you want to meet the deadly velociraptor?

Either you watch the movie...

...or you come and visit Vico nel Lazio!